Friday, March 8, 2013

1st Saturday Class


-It is simply entrepreneurship in a technology-intensive context. 
-It is a process of merging technology process and entrepreneurial talent and skills. 

The Technological Entrepreneurship Continuum 

P                                                                   M
R      DISCOVERY                                         A
O              INVENTION                                   R
D                    INNOVATION                           K
U                          ENTREPRENEURSHIP      E
C                                                                   T
T                                                                   S
Who is the Technopreneurs?

-A person who destroys the existing economic order (creative destruction) by introducing new products and services, by creating new raw material(Schumpeter,1934)
-Some who perceives an opportunity and creates an organization to pursue it. 
-A person who undertakes risks(by creating an enterprise or business) that has the chance of profit(or success)
Technopreneurs distinguishes themselves through their ability to accumulate and manage knowledge, as well as their ability to mobilize to achieve a specified business or social goal.(Kuemmerle,2002)
The Tecnopreneur is a bold imaginative deviator from established business methods and practices who constantly seek the opportunity to commercialize new products, technologies, processes and arrangement (Baumol,2002)

The Technopreneurs distinguishes logic from tradition, tradition from prejudice from common ense and common sense from nonsense while integrating a variety of ideas from diverse groups and disciplines.(Manuel Cereijo,2002)

What is Technopreneurship?

Creating the new and destroying the old. 
*New knowledge
*New products
*New processes
*New services
*New markets 
*New business models 
*New raw materials

Entrepreneurial process vs Technopreneurial process

Entrepreneurial process 
Opportunity Analysis 
      ——Business Planning 
           —-Gathering Resources 
                        ——-Sealing and Harvesting 

Technopreneurship process
        ——-Idea Screening 
               ——Concept Testing 
                     ——-Business Analysis 
                                  ——Test Marketing 
                                              ——-Monitoring and Evolution

Technopreneurship as agent of economic growth 

Natural Capital             -Economy-                                Beneficial Outputs 
Financial Capital          -Entrepreneur as agent of -     Undesired Waste Output(minimized)
Intellectual Capital       -progress-                                 Increase safety. 

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